CONTACT: Colleen Toumayan
PHONE: 818-800-8836

Northridge, CA July 11, 2018 – The Resistance – Northridge, Indivisible, Indivisibles of Sherman Oaks, Women’s Alliance LA and NARAL Pro-Choice California are co-sponsoring rallies this week at Senate

District Offices to demand our Senators protect our democracy— our choice, our affordable health care, our rights and to save the Supreme Court of the United States.

While our Democratic Senators in California have been vocal and supportive to oppose nominations that impinge on our fundamental civil rights, public pressure is still crucial. We will be there in force to let our senators know that we appreciate them and to call to attention how a conservative majority in the Supreme Court will endanger basic rights that we enjoy in our democratic society. It is imperative that we do everything in our power to stop an extreme nomination which will directly impact civil rights for generations to come.

As always, this will be a peaceful rally and violence of any kind will not be tolerated. Our goal for this rally will be to put public pressure to stop Trump's extreme SCOTUS nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. We must publicly call for protection of our fundamental freedoms and rights. The rallies are part of national protests going on all week sponsored by Indivisible,, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, NARAL Pro-Choice America, National Institute of Reproductive Health Action Fund, National Center for Transgender Equality, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, SEIU, American Federation of Teachers, and many more.


Two #SaveSCOTUS rallies

• Thursday, July 12, 2018 12p-2p at Senator Dianne Feinstein’s LA office

11111 Santa Monica Blvd, LA 90025

RSVP link:

• Friday, July 13, 2018 12p-2p at Senator Kamala Harris’ LA office

11845 West Olympic Blvd, LA 90064

RSVP link:

About The Resistance Northridge, Indivisible

The Resistance - Northridge, Indivisible, is a volunteer group of progressive Democrats in Northridge (Los Angeles) who are working together to drive political change starting at the local level. We stand for inclusivity, equality, freedom, and opportunity for everyone. We believe change starts municipally by building relationships with constituents to increase voter turnout in every election, especially in your community. We look for opportunities to drive change here and across the country and will work closely with activists in each area to assist in their efforts to flip districts to blue. Empowering each of our members to lead is crucial to the success of our impact. We maintain a friendly, diverse, hilarious, intelligent, and hard-working environment. Welcome to The Resistance

About The Indivisibles of Sherman Oaks

IOSO joined the Indivisible grassroots activist movement immediately following the 2016 election. We organized as part of the energized movement to resist the Trump agenda by any means possible. We focus on legislative advocacy by direct communication and active engagement with our Members of Congress and lobby them to pursue progressive policies. We apply public pressure through organizing and participating in protests, rallies, and demonstrations. We support progressive candidates and incumbents through participation in electoral and educational activities. We are proud to be one of the thousands of Indivisible groups across the country working to protect democracy, the rule of law and a commitment to human and civil rights.

About Women's Alliance Los Angeles (WALA)

Women's Alliance Los Angeles (WALA) is part of Indivisible. Our goal is for women and men to rise up together to protect the inalienable rights of all Americans, our democratic society and the healthy, thriving survival of the planet. Our current issues are women’s rights, the environment, immigration, ending gun violence, and the 2018 campaign to Flip the House. We educate, motivate and activate women and men to find and use their political voice. Join us at, Facebook: Women’s Alliance LA, email: or call 818-929-3881.

About NARAL Pro-Choice California

NARAL Pro-Choice California is the leading grassroots pro-choice advocacy organization in our state, and we believe that every woman should be able to make personal decisions about the full range of reproductive health options. NARAL Pro-Choice California works to protect every woman’s right to access the full range of reproductive health options, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion. NARAL Pro-Choice California is the state affiliate of NARAL Pro-Choice America.
